Analyzing the Impact of Potential Changes to the ACP Eligibility Criteria

November 23, 2023

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This publication, “The Future of the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP): Examining the Impact of Changes to the Eligibility Criteria on Vulnerable Populations” presents three research analyses on potential modifications to ACP eligibility criteria and their impacts on program participation, vulnerable populations, and program costs.

Specifically, the analyses focus on:

1) “Analyzing the Impact of Potential Changes to the ACP Eligibility Criteria on Covered Populations”: The impact of lowering the ACP household income eligibility threshold from 200% to 135% of the federal poverty line: This would exclude about 7.4M households nationwide and have a disproportionate effect on rural areas and states with Republican senators. Veterans and older adults would be most affected among vulnerable populations.

2) “Analyzing the Impact of Potential Changes to Program-Based Eligibility ”: The effects of potential changes to program-based eligibility criteria, focusing on Medicaid and SNAP: Removing Medicaid as a qualifying program would disproportionately impact high-income, Democratic states, while discontinuing SNAP would significantly affect states with low Medicaid participation.

3) “Money matters: Estimating Cost-savings from Changes to the ACP Eligibility Criteria”: Estimates of cost savings associated with eligibility changes, projecting that lowering the income threshold to 135% of FPL: This would reduce monthly spending by $95.2M, or 15.8% of current expenditures.

These analyses aim to inform policymakers and stakeholders about the potential consequences of adjusting ACP criteria as they consider strategies to sustain the program.