Hyun Tae (Calvin) Kim

Hyun Tae (Calvin) Kim is a doctoral student at the University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. Broadly speaking, his research is situated in media, political, and cultural psychology, seeking to shed light on the influence of different cultural and national identities on attitudinal and behavioral metrics pertaining to social change. When looking at these processes, he also considers the role of media consumption, and the impact of different types of messaging, on attitude and behavioral change.
He has presented at a variety of conferences, including International Communication Association (ICA), American Political Science Association (APSA), Western States Communication Association (WSCA), and the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA). Throughout his time at Annenberg, he has also worked closely with the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center, where he worked on projects funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Frontline, specifically with respect to the influence of digital technology and platforms on knowledge acquisition.
In his prior life, he received his undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of Chicago, and a Masters of International Affairs degree from the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University. He has also served as a language specialist officer for the Rep. of Korea Joint Chiefs of Staff, where he was tasked with bilateral and multilateral military-to-military diplomacy responsibilities.