Natascha Just

Natascha Just is an Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Information at Michigan State University. Prior to joining MSU, she was a senior research and teaching associate in the Media Change & Innovation Division, Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research (IPMZ), University of Zurich, Switzerland (2008-2016); a Hertha Firnberg Scholar at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna, Austria (2005-2008); a visiting researcher at Stanford Law School (2007); a post-doctoral fellow on international communication at the Annenberg Research Network on International Communication (ARNIC), Annenberg School for Communication, USC, Los Angeles (2004-2005); and a research fellow at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria (1998-2004).
Natascha Just’s current research centers on the development, controllability and consequences of innovation-induced media change, with a special emphasis on competition policy, market power control, changing governance structures, algorithms on the Internet and platforms, as well as the evolution of Internet use and attitudes.