Digital Inclusion in Public Housing: The case of HACLA

November 18, 2022

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This report explores the digital equity efforts of the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA), one of the largest public housing organizations in the U.S. Based on expert interviews and a review of public documents from HACLA, this report reveals how barriers for connectivity faced by families that received housing assistance can be addressed through the potential synergies that exist between housing and broadband support systems. The report finds that housing authorities such as HACLA are uniquely positioned to offer connectivity solutions that match residents’ needs. These efforts work by leveraging the multiple assets, from rights of way to trust relationships with residents, that are unique to public housing agencies. The report traces the various connectivity initiatives that HACLA has implemented since the early 2010s, with particular attention to recent efforts that build on a community engagement initiative (the Digital Ambassador Program) and a new private sector partnership. More generally, the report reflects on opportunities to scale-up efforts that combine housing and broadband subsidy programs