Hernán Galperin, Director

Hernán Galperin (Ph.D., Stanford University) is Professor of Communication and Director of Doctoral Studies at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California, where he is also Director of the Annenberg Research Network on International Communication. Prof. Galperin is an internationally recognized expert on Internet policy and digital inequality. His research uses surveys, field experiments and other quantitative methods to understand the determinants of broadband adoption and use, and how these are linked to the mechanisms of social stratification.
Prof. Galperin is the author of four books and has published extensively in major journals such as Telecommunications Policy, Development Policy Review, New Media and Society, Government Information Quarterly, and Telematics and Informatics. He is also former director and non-resident fellow at the Center for Technology and Society at Universidad de San Andres (Argentina), non-resident fellow at CIDE’s Centro Latam Digital (Mexico), and is affiliated with the USC Annenberg Innovation Lab and the USC Price Center for Social Innovation. His research has been funded by a variety of institutions, including the Pew Charitable Trust, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC-Canada), the Internet Society and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB).
See full CV here.
Recent publications
Journal articles (most recent):
- Galperin, H., & Heonuk, H.(2024). Welfare stigma and the take-up of consumer broadband subsidies. Journal of Information Policy (access here).
- Horrigan, J., Whitacre, B., & Galperin, H. (2024). Understanding uptake in demand-side broadband subsidy programs: The affordable connectivity program case. Telecommunications Policy (access here).
- Le, T. , Galperin, H., & Traube, D. (2023). The impact of digital competence on telehealth utilization. Health Policy and Technology, 12(1) (access here).
- Galperin, H. (2022). A Failed regulatory remedy? An empirical examination of affordable broadband plan obligations. International Journal of Communication, 16: 5912–5933. (access here)
- Galperin, H., Katz, R., & Valencia, R. (2022). The impact of broadband on poverty reduction in rural Ecuador. Telematics and Informatics, 75. (access here)
- Aguilar, S. J., Galperin, H., Baek, C., & Gonzalez, E.(2022). Live instruction predicts engagement in K-12 remote learning. Educational Researcher, 51(1), 81–84 (access here).
- Galperin, H., Le, T., & Daum, K.(2021). Who gets access to fast broadband? Evidence from Los Angeles County. Government Information Quarterly 38(3) (access here).
- Galperin, H., & Arcidiacono, M. (2021). Employment and the gender digital divide in Latin America: A decomposition analysis. Telecommunications Policy 45(7) (access here).
- Galperin, H., Bar, F., Nguyen, H.(2020) The power divide: Mobile communication in Los Angeles’ Skid Row. Mobile Media & Communication 9(1): 30–50. (access here).
- Galperin, H. (2019). “This gig is not for women”: Gender stereotyping in online hiring. Social Science Computer Review 39(6), 1089–1107. (access here).
- Galperin, H., & Arcidiacono, M. (2018). Learning from or leaning on? The impact of children on Internet use by adults. New Media and Society (access here).
- Galperin, H. (2017). Why Are Half of Latin Americans Not Online? A Four-Country Study of Reasons for Internet Non-Adoption. International Journal of Communication (access here).
- Galperin, H., & Viecens, F. (2017). Connected for Development? Theory and evidence about the impact of Internet technologies on poverty alleviation. Development Policy Review (access here).
Working papers:
- Galperin, Hernan and Bar, Francois and Chavez Penate, Angel (2024). A Preliminary Evaluation of the ACP Program (August 14, 2024). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4913528
- Galperin, H., Cruces, G., & Greppi, C. (2017). Gender Interactions in Wage Bargaining: Evidence from an Online Field Experiment. Available at SSRN.
Book chapters (most recent):
- Katz, R., Galperin, H., & Callorda, F.(2022). The economic impact of last-mile infrastructure in Brazil. In ICT Households 2021, UNESCO/CETIC Publications, pp. 249-260.
- Galperin, H., & Greppi, C. (2019). Geographical Discrimination in Digital Labor Platforms. In Graham, M. (ed.), Digital Economies at Global Margins. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.