Erika Widegren – Executive Director of “Re-Imagine Europe”
Tuesday, October 4th, 2022

Join us for a special ARNIC seminar followed by a reception on Oct 4th at 5 pm.
Our guest speaker is Erika Widegren, Executive Director of the think tank “Re-Imagine Europe” (see full bio below).
“Re-Imagine Europe” is an influential think tank based in Brussels and founded by the late Valery Giscard d’Estaing, former president of France. It is a non-partisan institution led by a Board composed of eminent personalities from academia, business, labor unions, and political leaders from a wide political spectrum and from different European countries.
- Date: Tuesday, October 4th
- Time: 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
- Reception: 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
- Please RSVP if you plan to attend and for location details by emailing
Erika Widegren is Chief Executive of Re-Imagine Europa (RIE). She has been working in the field of connecting science, society, and policy for over a decade. She is a fellow at PlusValue, a UK-based European company focusing on social innovation. She is also a board member of Citizen Communication Platform, a Swedish project to promote stronger communication with citizens, and a member of the committee supporting the work of Luc Van den Brande, Special Adviser to President Jean-Claude Juncker, for the Report on the “Outreach towards Citizen” Strategy. Until September 2016, she was Chairman of the Advisory Board of REIsearch, an innovative non-profit European platform co-funded by the European Commission to demonstrate how a simple technological tool, coupled with a broad network of leading media, research institutions, researchers, civil society organizations, and citizens, can help policymakers to make better use of all knowledge and experience – wherever it may come from – to make better decisions, based on evidence and experience, for the benefit of society as a whole.
From 2010 to 2015 she was the Executive Director of Atomium – European Institute for Science, Media and Democracy working on issues like Science in Society, Responsible Research and Innovation, Digital Science, Evidence-based Policy Making, and Citizen Engagement. She is a frequent speaker and moderator at European conferences on these topics including Economic Ideas Forum 2017 (Brussels – November 2017), SAPEA International Science Conference on “Crossing Boundaries: new approaches to science for policy in Europe” (Tallinn – October 2017), Aesis Network conference to “Boosting Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities (Cardiff – September 2017), European Innovation Summit (European Parliament – November 2016), the 2nd INGSA Conference on “Science and Policy Making: towards a new dialogue” (European Commission – September 2016).