Hernan Galperin Speaks at the Connecting California 2021 event
ARNIC director Professor Hernan Galperin recently spoke at a panel titled Race and Digital Inequity: The Impact on Poor Communities. The panel is organized by The Michelson 20MM Foundation, in partnership with the California Community Foundation, the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, and Southern California Grantmakers.
![Tackling Digital Inequity Requires Bold, Courageous, and Collective Action](https://42kdxo44pue436dy1u3i9sw3-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Connecting-California-PT7_Follow-Up-Email.png)
The event featured leading digital equity experts. The speakers at the panel include Los Angeles County Supervisor, Holly J. Mitchell; Professor Hernan Galperin at USC; the Economic and Digital Inclusion Program Manager at The City of Long Beach, Rebecca Kauma; Professor Traci Morris at Arizona State University, and Texas State Program Director, DeAnne Cuellar.
In this panel, the speakers discuss how digital inequity perpetuate among poor communities of color, restricting their access to health care and education and stifling economic opportunity and growth.
Watch the video recoding of this conversation here.
Source: Michelson 20MM Foundation