
Broadband: We must do better

By February 7, 2017

(This article was originally published on The Conversation)   By Hernan Galperin, François Bar and Annette M. Kim   Los Angeles is home to some of the most creative people and businesses in the planet. Our filmmakers, musicians, visual artists, software engineers and scientists entertain the world and push the knowledge frontier forward. Their process…


CIDE Press publishes edited book by Prof. Hernan Galperin

By January 13, 2017

A new edited book by Prof. Hernan Galperin has just been published by CIDE Press. The book, titled Internet y pobreza: Evidencia y nuevas líneas de investigación para América Latina (or, Internet and Poverty: Evidence and New Research Direction for Latin America), explores the theory and existing evidence about the potential of Internet access to mitigate…


Nathalie Marechal gives series of talks in Nov/Dec 2016

By January 11, 2017

Nathalie Maréchal (ABD) gave a series of invited talks in late November and early December 2016. She presented her paper, First they came for the poor: surveillance of welfare recipients as an uncontested practice, at the Institute for Network Cultures’ MoneyLab conference in Amsterdam. She also discussed her dissertation research and her fellowship at Ranking…


CCIG project releases Policy Brief #1: Home Broadband in Los Angeles

By December 14, 2016

The Connected Cities and Inclusive Growth (CCIG) project has just released its first policy brief which focuses on competition and availability of home broadband in Los Angeles County. An interactive page with maps and stats will be available soon.


Professor Galperin represents ARNIC at IGF 2016

By December 12, 2016

Prof. Hernan Galperin represented ARNIC-USC Annenberg at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2016 in Guadalajara, participating on several panels. The first panel was titled “Advancing Solutions for Connectivity: Improving Global Coordination and Collaboration”, organized jointly by the IEEE, ISOC, ITU, UNESCO, WEF, and the World Bank. The second panel, organized by Prof. Christopher Yoo (UPenn),…


Sarah Clayton attends ICANN57 in Hyderabad

By December 5, 2016

PhD student Sarah Clayton was selected by the Noncommercial Stakeholders Group (NCSG) at ICANN to serve as temporary alternate for a council representative on the Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO) Council at ICANN57 in Hyderabad in November.


The Internet in Latin America

By November 29, 2016

Professor Hernan Galperin participated in the seminar The Internet in Latin America, organized by the Internet Society (ISOC), held on November 22 in Montevideo, Uruguay. The event also included Mr. Raul Echebarria, Vice President, ISOC, and Mr. Demi Getschko, Director of Brazil’s Internet Steering Committee (CGI) and a member of the Internet Hall of Fame.


Women-Owned SMEs and Trade: More than Just an Elephant in the Room

By November 23, 2016

Among the conceivably infinite social and economic effects of the internet is the rise of women-owned small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries. For over thirty years, donor and international aid programs have invested heavily to help women in developing countries build and grow microenterprises, the business context in which the terms “woman”…


Prof. Galperin’s research featured in JJN 2016 report

By November 13, 2016

Congratulations to Professor Hernan Galperin, whose research about online labor in Latin America appeared in the Just Jobs Network‘s 2016 report, which was recently presented in Berlin, Germany.   The event was attended by high-level officials, including Mr. Celso Amorim, the longest-serving Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs; Hanif Dhakiri, the current Indonesian Minister of Manpower;…


Geek Heresy Book Review

By November 11, 2016

Toyama’s (2015) Geek Heresy is a poignant self-reflection and examination of the misguided promises and immense pitfalls of techno-centrism within information and communications technologies for development (ICT4D) work, particularly in relation to international efforts and projects attempting to foster economic development or address the knowledge gap. That is, throughout this accessible, non-academic read, Toyama debunks…