Can automation promote digital equity by boosting enrollment in connectivity subsidy programs?

With the expiration of the ACP (Affordable Connectivity Program) benefit in May 2024, Lifeline remains the only alternative federal program that supports digital connectivity for low-income families. Yet for a variety of reasons, Lifeline enrollment has been declining since its peak in the early 2010s. One reason is the complex web of procedures to demonstrate…

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Promoting Digital Equity by Automating Enrollment in Consumer Support Programs

Lifeline and the now defunct ACP (Affordable Connectivity Program) have helped millions of families afford Internet services that support online learning, remote work, and access to telehealth, among many other uses linked to social and economic wellbeing. However, individuals and families entitled to receive these benefits often have to navigate a complex web of procedures…

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Evaluating the Impact of the Affordable Connectivity Program

Did ACP have a measurable impact on broadband access? Did the program help connect low-income families that otherwise would not have been connected? As the ACP program winds down, these questions become ever more important for policymakers and policy advocates. In this study, we offer preliminary evidence that ACP in fact helped increase broadband adoption…

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Evaluating the Impact of the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)

Did ACP have a measurable impact on broadband access? Did the program help connect low-income families that otherwise would not have been connected? As the ACP program winds down, these questions become ever more important for policymakers and policy advocates. In this study, we offer preliminary evidence that ACP in fact helped increase broadband adoption…

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The Future of the Affordable Connectivity Program

Blog Post #2: Analyzing the Impact of Potential Changes to Program-Based Eligibility  In the first post of this series on the future of the ACP program, we analyzed potential changes to the income threshold used to determine ACP eligibility. In this second post, we turn our attention to potential changes to the eligibility criteria based…

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Analyzing the Impact of Potential Changes to the ACP Eligibility Criteria

This publication, “The Future of the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP): Examining the Impact of Changes to the Eligibility Criteria on Vulnerable Populations” presents three research analyses on potential modifications to ACP eligibility criteria and their impacts on program participation, vulnerable populations, and program costs. Specifically, the analyses focus on: 1) “Analyzing the Impact of Potential…

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Broadband for all: The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) benefits households across party lines

Discussions about funding for social programs are too often framed along predictable partisan lines. However, the reality on the ground is frequently more complex, and the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is no exception. A simple look at the data reveals that the program supports connectivity for families in both red and blue communities, and that…

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Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) State-Level Dashboard

The ACP State-Level Dashboard simultaneously displays ACP participation rates in February 2023 and Jan-to-Dec 2022 enrollment growth for each state. The scatterplot on the left shows the relationship between state-level ACP participation and growth, with lines representing the median value for the selected states. This four-quadrant format helps visualize states with high participation/high growth (right…

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FCC Outreach Grants: Reaching the Non-Enrolled

On March 10, 2023, the FCC Affordable Broadband Outreach Grants Program allocated a total of $66 million in 197 grants to 195 organizations in 50 U.S. States and Territories.. On March 15, the FCC announced an additional $7.5 million in Outreach Grants to 32 organizations in 22 states for two additional outreach programs. Overall, 221…

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