Posts Tagged ‘ACP’
The Future of the Affordable Connectivity Program.
Blog Post #1: Analyzing the Impact of Potential Changes to the ACP Eligibility Criteria
Read MoreAffordable Connectivity Program (ACP) State-Level Dashboard
The ACP State-Level Dashboard simultaneously displays ACP participation rates in February 2023 and Jan-to-Dec 2022 enrollment growth for each state. The scatterplot on the left shows the relationship between state-level ACP participation and growth, with lines representing the median value for the selected states. This four-quadrant format helps visualize states with high participation/high growth (right…
Read MoreFCC Outreach Grants: Reaching the Non-Enrolled
On March 10, 2023, the FCC Affordable Broadband Outreach Grants Program allocated a total of $66 million in 197 grants to 195 organizations in 50 U.S. States and Territories.. On March 15, the FCC announced an additional $7.5 million in Outreach Grants to 32 organizations in 22 states for two additional outreach programs. Overall, 221…
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