ARNIC Research Team Presents at the 2021 AOM Annual Meeting
ARNIC alumni Nathaniel Ming Curran (now an assistant professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University), ARNIC member Lichen Zhen and ARNIC’s director Professor Hernan Galperin presented their paper at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Their paper is entitled Race and Gender in the Gig Economy: Evidence from Online Language Learning. This…
Inviting applications for a Digital Equity Postdoctoral Fellowship
We invite applications for a one-year Postdoctoral Fellowship during the 2021-2022 academic year, starting as soon as July 2021, focused broadly on issues of digital equity and broadband affordability. The Postdoctoral Fellow will work on a grant-funded research project analyzing how best to sustainably connect low-income and marginalized U.S. populations to high-speed internet service they can afford…
New publication: Skid Row Power Now! A Participatory Co-design Project to Power up Digital Devices in Skid Row
Prof. Bar and his team just published a new paper based on collaborative work with LA CAN (LA Community Action Network) that discusses the co-design project to bring power to cellphones for Skid Row residents. The paper will be presented at the ACM Communities & Technologies conference next month. Full cite below (the doi link…
CETF-USC Statewide Broadband Adoption Survey
Since 2008, the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) has administered a statewide survey that seeks to assess California’s progress towards closing the digital divide in broadband connectivity across the state. Over the years, the results have shown a steady increase in broadband adoption, though the gains have been unequal across regions and subpopulations. Under a…
TPRC48: ARNIC Faculty & Student Presentations
We are pleased to announce that a number of works by ARNIC faculty and students will be presented at The 48th Research Conference on Communications, Information, and Internet Policy: Divergences in Procedural Accountability: Comparative Analysis on Social Media Political Speech Regulation in the United States, Germany, South Korea, and Taiwan by So Yun Ahn, Jeeyun Sophia…
How far is California from high-speed broadband Internet for all?
As part of the Connected Communities and Inclusive Growth (CCIG), a new study examines how far is CA from the goal of making 100Mbps broadband available to all as laid out by Governor Gavin Newsom in August 2020. The study also discusses the broadband proposals (AB-14 and SB-4) currently before the CA legislature. Among the…
2020 NCA Convention: ARNIC Student Presentations
Congrats to students who did a wonderful job delivering their work at the virtual 106th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association: Sierra Bray, “Rigidity Means Death:” Grappling with Academic Identity and Seeking Justice at the Crossroads of Feminist Scholarship and Experimental Methods Sierra Bray, Olivia González, Building bonds, breaking barriers: Examining the impact of support networks…
Employment and Gender Digital Divide in Latin America
Congrats to ARNIC’s director Professor Hernan Galperin for his new publication in the Spanish-language journal Revista Latinoamericana de Economia y Sociedad Digital. The paper is titled “Employment and the Gender Digital Divide in Latin America: A Decomposition Analysis”. The original publication in Spanish can be found here, and an English-language pre-publication version is available here. ABSTRACT There is a…
Doctoral student Hoan Nguyen awarded top student paper
Congratulations to our own Hoan Nguyen who has won the student paper prize awarded by the Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC) for her paper “ICTs Use for Mitigating Social Exclusion in the Lives of Homeless Women”. The paper, which is part of the Connected Skid Row Project, examines the role digital technology plays in countering…
Mapping the distance learning gap in CA
We are pleased to announce the release of a new Connected Communities and Inclusive Growth (CCIG) report that examines the ability of K-12 students in California to engage in distance learning based on the availability of an internet-connected computer at home. This follows the release of previous report that focused on families in Los Angeles…